Wednesday 23 November 2011

my dream's house .

my dream's house . its l0oks like i wanna be a cinderella . hehe

Psychology and Your Home

Clare Cooper Marcus, a Professor of Architecture at the University of California in Berkeley, has written extensively about the relationship between dwellings and the people who occupy them. Her book House as  a Mirror of Self explores the meaning of "Home" as a place of self-expression, as a place of nurturance,  and as a place of sociability. Marcus spent years looking at people's drawings of memorable childhood  places, and her book draws on Jungian concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes. If the houses we live in are so significant, what about the houses we imagine? What do our wishes say about who we are?

Imagine if you could have any house you wanted. Money is no object. You can place the house anywhere in the world (or off it) and you can build the house from any materials you wish.
What would that house look like? What would be the color and texture of the walls, the shape of the rooms, the quality of the light?

Everything in the unconscious seeks outward manifestation...
- Carl Jung

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